Illustration’s for the book by Emily and Ella Anderson
Emily and Ella Anderson are leaplings born the year of the dragon which makes them prone to creative and imaginative play and just enough luck to always find fun where others may not find anything but boredom.
About the Author
Alva Peeler was born 22 Mar. 1939 in Colonia Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico. She grew up in Colonia Juarez and left for school at BYU after graduation from High School.
Alva and her husband, Jack, had 4 children. Her family has been the most important part of her life. She also served as a Head Start teacher, coordinator, and center manager, as an EMT, IEMT and Paramedic for the ambulance, an EMT instructor, a CPR instructor and CPR instructor trainer. Her involvement in singing groups brought her peace. She felt blessed to be able to be involved in her children’s and grandchildren’s activities. She has been very blessed to have wonderful brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, cousins, and many friends.
About the Book
Every once in a while, an author comes along that brings joy into our lives with a book of illustrations by two 8 year old girls The is book is full of fun and enjoyment and shows how a family makes the best of staying home and begin safe.