Promote your business by being the expert.
Establish Credibility, Dependability, Trustworthiness, Integrity
Separate Yourself from Your Competitors
Generate Leads
Boost Your Revenue
Open Doors
Enhance Advertising
Marketing Through Authorship
Generate Revenue to Pay for the Publication of Your Book
How the Advertising Program Works:
We help you identify non-competing professionals and businesses that target your market
You sell a limited number Advertising Placements in your book. You do this by:
Promoting the Advertising opportunity to your prospective advertisers
Using our template “Advertising Proposal”
Farabee Publishing staff and resources to help you sell advertisings
Advertisers pay you directly for advertising space in your book. (Below, you will find the order form used to gather advertising commitments. You keep all advertising funds. You deserve it. You are an author now!
You will primarily use the Advertising Proposal to attract advertisers who will partially or even entirely off-set the financial investment in your book. 5 - 10 advertisers will offset the majority of your initial publishing expense. We will assist you all the way.
Where do I Find Potential Advertisers?
Potential advertisers are everywhere around you. The only limitation is your own imagination as to who is a potential advertiser for your book. Remember, you are offering someone a prestigious offer of having a presence in thousands of copies of your book for years to come. It is no small matter that you are willing to attach your sponsor’s name to your name.
The advertisers for your book will depend on the subject area and who you want to advertise in your book. Here are some examples of places the might want to advertise: beauty salons, photo shops, pharmacies, restaurants, stock brokers, automobile manufacturers, banks, insurance companies, financial planners, real estate agents, engineers, ISP's, consultants, Harley Davidson dealers, you name it and we will help you find advertisers.
The inherent attraction of receiving “VIP” placement in a book seems obvious enough, however, to take it a step further, your advertisers want and expect one thing: to get in-front of the same audience you will attract through the publication of your book.
This is simple marketing. You are offering them exposure and visibility for their business.
Where else can a business make such a small marketing investment and capture the long-term exposure to their target market that a book offers.
Where else can they get in front of thousands of people in their community who are predisposed to buy what they sell?
In addition, advertisers receive a valuable third party endorsement, generating additional credibility and authority for their business.
Step #1 – Identifying Advertisers
It begins by compiling a list of business categories and professionals you admire and respect and who you believe would be suitable candidates to purchase advertising space in your book. Ask yourself “who else wants to get in front of my target market?” For example, if you are a real estate agent, you would make a list of potential advertisers from the following categories:
Once you have made your list, list people who own or operate these businesses and gather their contact information. It will be time to contact the decision makers and invite them to learn more about the opportunity to market through your book.
There are several ways to approach prospective advertisers. We expect you to collaborate with us at Farabee Publishing BEFORE approaching a single prospective advertiser. Here are a few ways to promote your marketing opportunity:
Schedule an appointment, sit-down with them and show-walk them through the “Advertising Ad Proposal”. (We will be working with you to customize your proposal.)
If you’re a good salesperson or have friends and family who you know would be willing to pitch-in and assist you in your publishing aspirations, you can present the proposal over the phone. (Again, we will be assisting you in drafting your proposal based on our proven templates.)
You can even invite a group of prospects to an online presentation. Simply invite them to attend an online presentation to learn about a unique marketing idea for their business and present the Advertising Proposal via our pre-designed PowerPoint presentation. Planned far enough in advance, our Author support team will help you with the presentation. As you can imagine, detailed planning goes into each presentation.
Advertise for advertising positions in your local newspaper. We even have pre-written ads, fax and e-mail letters you can use to promote your marketing proposal to your local market.
Once we have received your information in response to this document, we will polish-up your draft marketing proposal and send you a Final Draft version. You then will print this on your own and distribute to collect the cash!
Step # 2 - The Advertising Marketing Proposal
You create an Advertising Marketing Proposal. We help you develop this proposal that is specific to your business and target audience. After reviewing this document we can work with you to distribute to your potential advertisers.
Powerful Advertising Campaign
- Thousands of businesses will be in contact with this book each year.
Pre-Qualified Leads
- Advertisers have industry category exclusivity, they will always have your contact information.
Third Party Endorsement
- Advertisers endorse your product or services to everyone who reads this book.
People Don't Throw Out Books
- Almost every advertising medium is temporary. Every time they pick up this book they visit the ads.
Return on Investment
- Sponsoring this book offers the advertiser a promotional opportunity that is unduplicated in the industry.
- The advertisers will have exclusivity. They are the only one from their industry advertising in the the book.
Sell More for Less
- This opportunity offers a memorable client contact with high visibility for your corporate name and contacts.